Only KTP customers in Tegal can take advantage of 20 million liquid BRI online loans in only 10 minutes

Senin 14-08-2023,03:00 WIB
Reporter : Lawrentia Agfa
Editor : Lawrentia Agfa

RADAR TEGAL - Online loans or borrowing are indeed the right choice for those of us who are in need of capital or sudden money. Especially if the process is easy and fast, such as the BRI online loan application, it is immediately disbursed using a KTP.
We need to know that the BRI online loan application is immediately disbursed without collateral; only KTP capital is required, which is a very practical process. So customers no longer need to wait a long time to get their money.
For customers who need funds quickly and urgently, Pijol can be the easiest alternative. This unsecured BRI loan application will be a profitable recommendation.
For your information, customers who want to apply for a loan using the unsecured BRI loan application only need a BRI KTP and ATM. It's just that to access it, you need a stable internet network and a compatible Android cellphone.
That is why, if you already have a BRI KTP and ATM, just apply for a loan immediately. This means that only with a KTP, the minimum age of the borrower must be over 17 years.

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BRI online loans are disbursed immediately using a KTP
The first thing you have to do is just download the application through the Play Store. Next, see how to install it in this article.
What you need to remember is that loans are currently becoming increasingly prevalent in Indonesia. Even non-bank financial institutions are starting to seriously work on it.
Now, using the BRI loan application without a safe guarantee, of course, will make us more comfortable. Without worrying about the risks that occur behind it.
This is, of course, a challenge and an encouragement for banks to also launch digital credit services. One of them is what BRI is doing.
BRI online loans are immediately disbursed without collateral using this KTP; the borrowing time is relatively fast and the process is very easy, so it is the most sought-after. Moreover, they do not need to go to the banking service office.
Simply apply for credit online via the loan application, and the money is in your hand. The following are the terms and how to apply for the loan:
Ceria's unsecured BRI loan application
You can choose BRI online loans directly liquid without collateral via Ceria when you have an urgent money loan specifically for online shopping.
Only with KTP and ATM card capital can you register and, at the same time, apply for an unsecured BRI online loan through Ceria BRI.
The loan ceiling that you can submit through the Ceria application ranges from IDR 500,000 to IDR 20 million. Meanwhile, for term matters, users can choose an installment period of up to 12 months.
BRI's online loan service is immediately disbursed without collateral; only by using this KTP can you sanction its legality. Because this product has officially received a certificate from the OJK.
The requirements for this low-interest loan are quite simple, including that the customer is at least 21 years old, has a valid KTP, is registered as a BRI customer, and has an Android with an internet connection.
The procedure for applying for a direct liquid BRI online loan without collateral is very easy; it only takes a matter of minutes from registration to applying for a loan.

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How to register the Ceria application
1. Install the Ceria application via the Play Store.
2. Open the Ceria application on your cellphone, then register.
3. Verify the OTP code via SMS on the cellphone number.
4. Create a new PIN, then confirm.
5. Until the registration process has been successful, users can immediately apply for a BRI online loan that will be immediately disbursed with a KTP.

How to apply
1. First, please verify your personal data and ownership of your BRI account.
2. Next, fill in the personal data form and then complete the financial data.
3. Upload a KTP photo as a condition for the Ceria BRI loan.
4. Wait for the credit scoring process carried out by the system.
5. You are just waiting for the credit limit that the bank will agree to give you.
6. Wait until the verification and approval process is complete.
That's information about the BRI online loan application: liquid directly without collateral, only using a KTP and ATM card. Good luck! (*)

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