Check Tegal PIP Social Assistance August 2023: Recipient Students Get IDR 1 Million Funding

Check Tegal PIP Social Assistance August 2023: Recipient Students Get IDR 1 Million Funding


RADAR TEGAL - Find out how to easily check the PIP Tegal social assistance for August 2023 so that beneficiary students can get cash assistance of IDR 1 million.
This August 2023 Tegal PIP Social Assistance is given to students by checking the NIK NISN on the page, which will be disbursed to the account.
Later, after checking the status, there will be a statement of the grant Decree indicating that the money has been sent to the student's account.
Before getting social assistance, please note that students must activate an account at Himbara Bank.
The Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) is one of the government programs given to Indonesian students to improve the education of the nation's next generation.

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So Tegal students can check for August 2023 PIP recipients in the following way:
1. Go to the page.
2. Fill in the NISN, NIK, and sum in the column 'Search for PIP Beneficiaries.
3. Click search.
After success, the name of the recipient will appear along with the status of the social assistance distribution.
Later, PIP social assistance will be given according to the level of education, as follows:
SD: IDR 450 thousand

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Middle school: IDR 750 thousand
SMA: IDR 1 million
That's how to check for students receiving PIP Tegal social assistance in August 2023 with liquid funds of IDR 1 million. (*)
