PKH Social Assistance and BLT BPNT August 2023 Disburses Rp. 2.4 Million Again, Tegal Residents Check Here

Sabtu 12-08-2023,02:50 WIB
Reporter : Lawrentia Agfa
Editor : Lawrentia Agfa

1. You can check the status of your BLT BPNT receipts in the following ways:

2. Visit the Ministry of Social DTKS page or

3. Select Province, Regency/City, District, and Village/Kelurahan.

4. Fill in the full name according to the KTP.

5. Enter the verification code that appears.

6. Click the “Search Data” button.

READ ALSO: Penerima BLT BPNT 2023 di Tegal Bisa Terima 1 Juta di Bulan Agustus untuk Pemilik KTP Jenis Ini

The social assistance program above is expected to stimulate people in need, to be more prosperous, and to improve their economy. That is why the process of registration and checking acceptance was simplified.

This is information about the disbursement of PKH social assistance for August 2023, along with registration requirements and how to check them. (*)

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