RADAR TEGAL - Disbursement of social assistance alias PKH social assistance and BLT BPNT for August 2023 has been announced. Social assistance is part of the government's efforts and initiatives to help the community.
Mainly for residents who are less fortunate and affected by their economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, those who feel entitled to receive it but have not registered can still receive it.
Provided that the registration follows the requirements set by the government, in this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). Apart from registering, we also have the opportunity to receive social assistance which is divided into several types.
It is recommended for those who have registered and those who have just registered, to always continuously check the status of receiving social assistance. Because there is often updating of data through the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).
Below are many simple and practical guidelines, which can be used as a guide for those who have registered as beneficiaries or those who are just intending to register. So that it can be used as a reference for each stage of disbursement.
READ ALSO: Bansos PKH dan BLT BPNT Agustus 2023: Cara Mendaftar dan Mengecek Bantuan
PKH Social Assistance August 2023
The Family Hope Program (PKH) is one of the government's efforts to reduce poverty in Indonesia. Through PKH, beneficiary families (KPM) who fall into certain categories will receive financial assistance.
The following is the amount of assistance that will be received by each category:
1. Pregnant women will receive IDR 750,000 per stage.
2. Toddlers will receive IDR 750,000 per stage.
3. Seniors will receive IDR 600,000 per stage.
4. Persons with Disabilities will receive IDR 600,000 per stage.
5. Elementary students will receive IDR 225,000 per stage.