RADAR TEGAL - A fire broke out in the Pemalang Square area on Monday, August 28, 2023.
At least six shophouses were destroyed by the red rooster in the incident, which occurred at around 23.00 WIB.
There were no fatalities in the incident, but losses are estimated at hundreds of millions.
Pemalang Police Chief AKBP Yovan Fatika Handhiska Aprilaya, through Pemalang City Police Chief AKP Mohammad Gufron, said the fire occurred at around 23.00 WIB.
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The location of the incident is north of the Nur Kalam Grand Mosque in Pemalang.
The Pemalang City Police immediately secured the crime scene (TKP) after receiving reports of a fire incident in the Alun-Alun.
At least six shophouses were destroyed by the red rooster.
"After receiving reports from the public, we immediately went to the crime scene," he said.
Furthermore, the police chief revealed that the fire in the shophouse in Pemalang Square was the first time residents noticed it.
At that time, one of the residents saw a puff of black smoke coming from one of the shophouses.
Residents tried to extinguish the fire by pouring water into a bucket.
However, the fire did not go out; it only grew bigger.
Then the resident asked for help from local residents and reported it to the officer.